Light Fair 2016 – the strongest companies reappeared


The 24th edition of the International Fair of Lighting Equipment is over.

Has the negative rating for Poland, announced recently by Standard & Poor’s, been known a bit earier to some potential exhibitors and influenced their decisions about the participation in this year’s edition of Light fair? As a matter of fact the area occupied by the exhibitors in Hall. 1, in which A-Z Decor had its own stand, slightly shrunk in comparison to the previous year.

In our opinion, this situation might be due to the consistently high rental fees of the exhibition area compared to the other fairs while the enterprises try to reduce all the overhead costs.

A smaller amount of exhibitors mean reduced offer and fall in the number of visitors in coming years. However, we hope that the organizers will study all the data and will take care that the Light fair will expand in every respect and will not shrink any longer.

The well known proverb says that: “Every cloud’s got a silver lining” and we have the impression that the number of the customers who visited our stand was bigger than last year. Many thanks to all of you!

This year the Light Fair definitely “accelerated” and took place between 27-29 of January. Certainly, every producer or distributor has already prepared the program for this year but thanks to this acceleration it will be still possible to make slight adjustments taking into consideration the comments received from the customers.

The ceramic lamps dominated at our booth. DIAMS white floor lamp from ENVY collection paid particular attention. Its base is composed of seven vertically stacked elements looking like polished diamonds. It is equiped with a unique lampshade, whose cross-section resembles a square, with the sides slightly arched.

The PERLA collection has a new floor and table lamp in ivory-gold version. We also presented the complete line of gray PERLA lamps with new silver lampshades.

There were, of course new metal lamps from the innovative SCHEMA brand. Among the novelties we presented enlarged versions of well-known OPIUM and TIBET models.

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